Single-shareholder limited liability companies in brazil

The most common type of legal entity in Brazil is the limited liability company (sociedade limitada” or “Ltda.”). Despite its popularity, not everyone is aware that, since 2019, it is possible for this type of legal entity to have a single shareholder; prior to 2019, at least two shareholders were required. This change resulted in a reduction of bureaucracy and costs for limited liability…

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Brazilian General Data Protection Law

In 2018 the Brazilian General Data Protection Law (Law n. 13.709/18 – LGPD) was issued, whose purpose is to regulate the processing of personal data. Most of the provisions of LGPD became effective on September 18th, 2020, and another part of its provisions, concerning the sanctions applicable to violations of data protection rules, will become effective on August 1st, 2021…

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